BlogBi-Directional Dealertrack Integration

Bi-Directional Dealertrack Integration

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For immediate Release:

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada - November 3, 2015 -- Quantech Newest version of Q-F&I Online supports bi-directional integration with Dealertrack finance portal.

Quantech Software's new uni-directional Dealertrack integration allows business managers to start deals in Q-F&I Online or Dealertrack. "While our current Quantech to Dealertrack deal send is effective in many situations, it isn't if the first thing you want to do with a new customer is a credit app", according to Mike Martin, Quantech General Manager. All key worksheet information from Dealertrack is exported to Quantech creating a new pending deal.

Dtrack integration

Quantech's new integration also has bi-directional capabilities. User can start the deal in Quantech; send it to Dealertrack; find a bank to fund it, and then export the Dealertrack worksheet back to Q-F&I Online. The exported Dealertrack worksheet overwrites the Quantech deal with the updated bank and deal information. "Q-F&I Online users will save a lot of time not having to double enter deals", Martin.

Quantech / Dealertrack uni-directional integration is only available in Q-F&I Online.

About is a privately held company and developer of the powerful dealer management tools, Q-F&I Online, Q-Menus Online, Q-GPS, and Q-App used by thousands of Auto, RV, Marine and Powersports; sales staff, business managers, and management. Founded in 1998, Quantech Inc. is located in British Columbia, Canada.

For more information contact Mike Martin at

877-611-0622 OR go to

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