BlogProduct News & Announcements
For immediate Release: Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada - November 3, 2015 -- Quantech announces release of Q-F&I Broker version. Quantech Software's new cloud-based system offers F&I software services to brokers anywhere the Internet is accessible. "Q-F&I Online was completely rewritten in 2013; our latest version adds broker functionality", according to Mike Martin, Quantech General…
For immediate Release: Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada - November 3, 2015 -- Quantech Newest version of Q-F&I Online supports bi-directional integration with Dealertrack finance portal. Quantech Software's new uni-directional Dealertrack integration allows business managers to start deals in Q-F&I Online or Dealertrack. "While our current Quantech to Dealertrack deal send is effective…
Export Dealertrack Worksheets to Q-F&I Online!Sending Deals from Dealertrack to Q-F&I Online saves time and reduces balancing problems, and it's easy as well! Getting Ready to Export To take advantage of the Dealertrack export feature you must be using Q-F&I Online. If you are still using the previous Windows version of Q-F&I or V6 call Quantech 1-877-611-0622 to upgrade. If you are a current Q-F&I…
New Q-F&I Online Feature Streamlines Accounting Entries in SageWith just a few mouse clicks bookkeepers can create a file in Q-F&I Online that's easily importable in Sage 50 and Simply Accounting software. Call Quantech today for information and pricing! Creating the Import File1) Deliver the deal in Quantech.2) Select the file(s) you want to import.3) Click the Sage 50 button. 4) Save the file to…
Attach Files to Q-F&I Inventory ItemsEasily attach accident reports or other files to any unit in Q-F&I Online. Not only does it save paper, it makes important documents readily accessible to anyone in the dealership that needs access. Attaching Files to Inventory Units. 1) On the Unit Details screen (starting from the Inventory tab), Click the "Additional Info" button (a screen titled, "Unit-Additional…