BlogProduct News & Announcements
Updated Reporting in Q-F&I Online Provides More Information to Key Dealer Staff. Quantech has made subtle but meaningful changes to the following reports: Deal Stats, F&I Reserve, Net Profit, and Sales Recap. With the exception of Deal Stats which is accessible from the Deal itself, all of the reports are accessible from the Deals tab in Q-F&I Online. The Deal Stats report has been updated to reflect…
Our newest Q-F&I Online update extends the functionality of how F&I products are dealt with and makes it easy to provide options to a customer. For products like GAP or Tire &Wheel that offer different pricing based on the amount of coverage, users can add the most commonly sold products into Q-F&I's Product Prefs. In the following screen shot, several Etching, GAP, Maintenance, ProPack, Tire & Wheel,…
16 Things Your Finance Portal Won't Do For Free!Just about every Canadian dealership uses finance portals to find deal funders. We know that because our software integrates with them. Recently added functionality helps finance managers complete deals directly on the portals. This is great, but portals are designed to fund deals, not to make you more money selling F&I products!Quantech Q-F&I has features…
YouTube Movie: Setting Insurance Display Defaults to Show Daily or Monthly PaymentOur customers often tell us they sell more F&I products using Quantech software. Here's the first in a series of movies designed to help increase your effectiveness.Credit insurances earn dealerships a lot of money so anything you can do to make it easier for buyers to purchase them is a good thing...Why not use your…
Sending a Mail MergeDid you know you are able to create your mass letters and correspondence with the click of a few buttons? Here's how... Step #1 - From the Customer Database click on the "Contact Reports" button in the top left corner. Step #2 - Choose the…