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Find Deal

  1. Click on the Tab Deals tab. The Deal List will appear.
  2. At the bottom of the list, locate Filters section:

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  3. Select or enter the desired search criteria (e.g. Buyer name).

    Click on the Button Find Deal button. A Deal List will appear, showing a list of search results for deals matching your search criteria.

  4. Where a large number of search results are returned, click on a column header to sort the list by information in that column (e.g. sort the list alphabetically by Buyer [last] name, sort the list numerically by Year, etc.).
  5. To open/view the deal details, click on the desired deal row. See Also: Edit a Deal.
  6. To perform another deal search, click on the Button Find Deal button. Repeat steps 3. to 5. above.
  7. To view all deals in the list, click on the Button Show All button.

See Also

Edit a Deal

Clear Deal

Calculate Deal

Print Deal

Save Changes

Discard Changes

View or Change Settings